There are 893 homes in The Woodlands with a variety of styles and builders, including elegant estate homes on over-sized lots. Clublink owns the golf course, and it is permanently closed with plans for re-development by 13th Floor Homes.
There are eight (8) sections in The Woodlands. Each section is their own corporation and responsible for the homes located within their section in accordance with Florida Statute 720. Sections 1, 2, 5, 6, 7 and 8 have their own clubhouses and pools, and are members of the WHOA. Sections 3 and 4 ARE NOT members of the WHOA.
The Woodlands Homeowners Association (WHOA) is not a homeowners association and does not operate under Florida Statute 720. It is a not-for-profit Florida corporation operating under Florida Statute 617, established for the following purposes:
1. to promote good will and cooperation among the sections of The Woodlands and adjacent communities
2. to promote physical improvements and the general beautification of The Woodlands
3. to participate in programs and civic affairs deemed to be in the best interests of the residents of The Woodlands
4. to represent the views of the residents of The Woodlands on matters of mutual interest and concern to them
5. to maintain The Woodlands as an area of high standards with residences improvements and facilities designed for the comfort, pleasure, security and welfare of its residents; and to seek enforcement of such statutes, covenants, ordinances, restrictions and other actions of The Woodlands Homeowners Association and its Board, for those purposes as enumerated within, by legal or other means as shall be determined by the Board of Directors
WHOA Board of Directors Meetings are generally scheduled on the second Monday of the month. Please check the events calendar for the date and time. All meetings are via Zoom.
WHOA Executive Board as of 5/9/22: Randy Scott (P), Michael Jeknavorian (VP), (Treasurer), (Secretary). Directors are the member section presidents plus 2 delegates from each section. As of 6/13/23, At-Large Directors are Patti Fox, Liz Cruz, Judith Margolis, and Theresa Lucotti-Bildik.
Development Proposal-13th Floor Homes
Stay updated with ACCURATE information and not FAKE NEWS - attend as many of your section's monthly Board of Directors meetings as possible as well as the WHOA Board of Directors meetings. Do not rely on other websites for correct information about our community.